體適能中心 Fitness Center/4F




  1. 專業教練駐場,協助會員諮詢
  2. 機械式、自由重量,訓練多元化
  3. 運動補給品販賣機:提供運動所需營養
  4. 置物櫃、淋浴空間:訓練前後提供方便性
  5. 心肺有氧區:結合電視播放體育頻道增添樂趣
  6. 伸展放鬆區:訓練後拉伸不緊繃
  7. 私人教練區:提供專業健身課程




提醒您, 請於系統顯示時間前離場,若您無法順利出場,表示您已逾時(包括壓在系統上之時間無法出場者),逾時部分將一律進行補票,補票以30分鐘25元為單位計算

身體組成分析檢測200元/次  [須提前預約,預約分機 #411 或加入LINE@: @184hvcbe]

◆泳健月卡2,200元(使用天數30天)   ⭐可使用游泳池和健身房
◆泳健年卡22,000元(使用天數365天) ⭐可使用游泳池和健身房
◆回數票2400元/30張/優惠期限90天(優惠期限到期後使用,補回原價差額即可使用) ⭐可購買游泳池或健身房


在使用各項設施期間應注意自身健康及體力負荷狀況。初次使用器材請先向現場教練詢問正確使用方法及姿勢,切勿擅自操作。 同時請瞭解並遵循各區使用規範,除須服從工作人員指導之外,亦應對自身安全及行為負全部責任。
You should pay attention to your own health and physical load when using various facilities. When using the equipment for the first time, please ask the on-site coach for the correct method and posture. Do not operate it without authorization. At the same time, please understand and follow the usage regulations of each district. In addition to obeying the instructions of the staff, you should also take full responsibility for your own safety and conduct.

  1. 為維護使用者權益,請愛惜本中心設備並遵守各項使用須知。
    It is everyone’s responsibility to follow all the rules while using the center’s facilities in respect of the rights of all user
  2. 使用體適能中心請先至一樓櫃檯購票; 單次票卡,僅限當日有效。
    To use the Fitness Center, please purchase a ticket at the counter on the first floor . The ticket is valid only on the day.
  3. 為維護使用安全,未滿16足歲禁止進入本區。
    People under 16 years-old are not allowed to enter.
  4. 嚴禁攜帶牲畜(導盲犬除外)或在本區吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖及攜帶任何食品、飲料入場 (開水、礦泉水除外)。
    It is strictly forbidden to bring livestock (except guide dogs) or smoke, drink, chew betel nuts, chewing sugar, and bring any food or drink into the area (except open water and mineral water).
  5. 患有高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病、傳染病、飯後一小時內、血壓過低、酒後、嚴重睡眠不足時或其他任何身體不適者, 不建議使用本區設備。
    People with contagious diseases, unstable blood pressure, diabetes, heart conditions, had meal within 1 hour before, in drunken state, in sleep-deprived state, under impact of medication or any other unfit health conditions are not allowed to use the facility.
  6. 入場必須穿著有彈性或棉質有彈性運動服裝及運動鞋,禁止穿著牛仔褲、西裝褲、休閒短褲、拖鞋、皮鞋、高跟鞋、木屐或其他不合場地使用規定之鞋類或服裝進入。如不確定請詢問工作人員。
    Entrants must wear sportswear and soft-soled lace-up sneakers. Slippers, white shoes, high-heeled shoes, sandals, or other footwear or clothing that do not comply with the venue usage regulations are prohibited. If you are not sure, please ask the staff.
  7. 領有身心障礙手冊者,建議由一名必要之陪伴者全程陪伴進入體適能區;陪伴者必須全程注意身心障礙者之安全,不得自行運動。
    People with disability manuals need to be accompanied by adults for the entire time inside the fitness. The escort must pay attention to the safety of the physically and mentally handicapped during the whole process, and must not exercise on their own.
  8. 65歲以上之長者,建議需有一名家屬/同伴陪同使用,使用時間請勿過長。
    Elderly above 65 years old are recommended to be accompanied by one family or company and to avoid using the fitness for extended period of time.
  9. 私人物品請妥善保管或放置可上鎖置物櫃,置物櫃限當天使用(隔夜清空),本中心不負擔保管及協尋之責任。
    Please keep your personal belongings in a safe place or put them in a lockers.The lockers user limited on the day. The center does not have the responsibility of keeping and searching.
  10. 如有租借、使用各項器材,使用完畢後請立即歸還並排列整齊。
    Please place any equipment which are rented or used back to their original positions after use.
  11. 請依照器材使用方式進行器材使用,若因使用不當造成器材設備毀損,本中心有權禁止使用並要求損壞賠償。(賠償細則請參照器具租借須知)。
    Please use the equipment in accordance with the way the equipment is used. If the equipment is damaged due to improper use, the center has the right to prohibit the use and request compensation for damages. (please refer to equipment rental rules for details).
  12. 如有任何不適,請立即通知現場工作人員。
    Please notify the staff on-site should you feel ill at anytime.
  13. 嚴禁非中心所屬教練進行私人教學,如有出現私人教學指導行為者,經勸導後,仍執意教學,本中心將錄影拍照蒐證並將教學者請出場外,以維護客人安全及本中心教學品質。
    It is strictly forbidden for non-center coaches to conduct private teaching. If there are private teaching and guidance behaviors, after persuasion, they still insist on teaching. The center will record and take photos for evidence and ask they to leave the venue to protect the safety of guests and the center teaching quality.
  14. 未經中心許可,禁止照相、攝影、錄音、張貼或懸掛海報、旗幟、標語等。
    Photography, videography, poster hanging, flag hanging, labeling and other such behaviors are not allowed unless approved by the center.
  15. 體適能各場地使用時,應遵守各場地專屬安全規定,本中心工作人員得隨時制止使用者有安全顧慮之行為,如不聽從制止,本中心有權強制使用者離開體適能全部或局部場地。
    All the rules should be followed as indicated specifically for each area of the fitness. Staff reserve the right to prohibit users action that threaten their safety, and to expel users from the fitness area should the users not cooperate.
  16. 本須知如有未盡事宜,得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或服務人員說明為準。若未能配合管理者,現場工作人員將有權令其離場(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。為維護其他使用者的安全,屢勸不聽者,本中心有權禁止其購票使用。
    The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules.


1. 本區為本中心私人教練上課區域,無對外開放使用,未經許可請勿進入。

2. 教練上課時須嚴加注意學員上課狀況及使用安全性。

3. 學員如要使用本區自主訓練,請提早向教練提出申請並作登記。

4. 學員自主訓練完畢請將使用之器具歸位並進行酒精清潔擦拭。

5. 如該時段有教練執行課程,教練擁有上課優先權,學員自主訓練須主動禮讓。

6. 因考量使用安全問題,學員使用條件為購買之私人教練課程尚未結束方可登記使用。

7. 本規範如有未盡事宜,得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或服務人員說明為準。


1. This area is our personal trainers class place. It is not open to the public. Please do not enter without permission.

2. Instructors must pay attention to student’s conditions and safety during class.

3. If students want to use this area for training, please apply to the coach in advance and register.
(For safety reasons, if you use it without registration, you will be prohibited from using this area once discovered.)

4. After students complete training, please return the equipment used and clean it with alcohol.

5. If there is a coach conducting the course during this period, the coach has priority in class, and students must take the initiative to be polite when training independently.

6. The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules.

