室內溫水游泳池 General Pool/1F


25M general pool indoor、hydrotherapy pool、kid’s pool、cold & hot pool、sauna、steam room.


06:00-22:00 (每日21:30閉館清場)




全票90元/次 full fare 90 NTD for one time

優待票50元/次 excursion fare 50NTD for one time


◆泳樂月卡1,200元(使用天數30天)   ⭐可使用游泳池
◆泳健月卡2,200元(使用天數30天)   ⭐可使用游泳池和健身房
◆泳樂季卡3,300元(使用天數100天)  ⭐可使用游泳池
◆泳健年卡22,000元(使用天數365天) ⭐可使用游泳池和健身房
◆泳樂年卡12,000元(使用天數365天) ⭐可使用游泳池
◆回數票2400元/30張/優惠期限90天(優惠期限到期後使用,補回原價差額即可使用) ⭐可購買游泳池或健身房


  1. 進入泳池前,請先至一樓櫃檯購票,方可入場使用。單次票卡,僅限當日有效。
    To enter the pool, please go to the counter on the first floor to buy tickets before you enter the pool. The ticket is valid only on the day.
  2. 嚴禁攜帶易碎物品、眼鏡、刀械等危險物品進入水池中。禁止配戴玻璃泳鏡、眼鏡(玻璃或安全鏡片)或攜帶玻璃容器、陶瓷器及其他易碎物品進入游泳池內。
    Strictly Prohibited fragile items, glasses, knives, and other dangerous items enter the pool. Do not wear glass goggles, eye glasses or bring any glass containers, porcelain items and other dangerous fragile items into the pool.
  3. 未滿150公分、12歲以下之兒童,請由監護人或雙親隨同下水,並禁止進入SPA池、烤箱及蒸氣室。領有身心障礙手冊者,建議由一名必要之陪伴者全程陪伴進入泳池游泳。65歲以上之長者,建議需有一名家屬/同伴陪同使用,使用時間請勿過長。
    Children under 150 cm or under 12 years old should be accompanied by their guardians or parents, and are not allowed to enter the spa pool, sauna, and steam room. People with disability manuals need to be accompanied by adults for the entire time inside the pool. Elderly above 65 years old are recommended to be accompanied by one family or company and to avoid using the pool for extended period of time.
  4. 患有傳染性疾病、癲癇症、意識不清、皮膚病(潰爛、傷口)、多發性硬化症、發燒超過攝氏37.5℃等身體不適或其他醫生建議不能從事運動者、飯後一小時內、酒後、嚴重睡眠不足時、藥效未退前、患有高血壓、心臟病、糖尿病等非具傳染性疾病者,或其他任何身體不適者,禁止使用本場地。
    Users should be aware of own health conditions and are prohibited to use the pool if have any of the following conditions: Contagious diseases, epilepsy, unconsciousness, skin diseases (skin ulcer, open wounds), multiple sclerosis, fever over 37.5℃ and any other ill conditions. Taken meal within 1 hour before, drunken state, sleep deprivation, impact of medication or any other unfit health conditions. Unstable blood pressure, heart conditions, diabetes and other non-contagious diseases.
  5. 游泳中請遵行水道禮儀,右去左回,超越時請使用捷泳。本中心水道區分為長泳水道、練習水道及教學水道,各水道禁止使用任何輔具(練習水道除外),說明如下:
    Please follow lane rules, keep right when swimming, use freestyle to pass people .The pool lanes are categorized into fast swim lane, long swim lane practice swim lane, and teaching swim lane and each lane prohibits the use of any swimming aids (Practice swim lane is not include). Details are explained as follow:
    Long swim lane: swim forward on the right side and return on the left side, stopping in the middle or at the edge is not allowed.
    Practice swim lane: users can practice swimming other than center class session.
    Teaching swim lane: for class only, no class hours are available for swimmers.
  6. 禁止於池內及池邊跳水、奔跑、嬉戲、潛泳、蹲坐或站立於池邊等妨害他人安全之行為。
    Do not dive, run, jump, jostle, play around, or any behavior that would affect others in the pool area.
  7. 如使用漂浮物時,應先經救生員同意,大型造型充氣浮具(>0.5立方公尺)禁止攜入,大池練習水道開放浮具使用(臂圈、浮板等,但不包含游泳圈),欲使用游泳圈請至兒童池使用。
    Please consult with the staff first before using any buoyant devices. Large inflatable items (>0.5 M3) are not allowed. Inflatable items are acceptable in practice lanes(ex. kids float、floating boards and arm rings, but swimming rings are not allowed).Only in children’s pool can use swimming rings.
  8. 划手板、蛙鞋、面鏡、呼吸管全面禁止使用,浮板請於練習水道使用。
    Paddle boards, fins, masks, and snorkels are not allowed. Please use floating boards in practice lanes.
  9. 私人物品請妥善保管或放置可上鎖置物櫃,本中心不負擔保管及協尋之責任。
    Please keep your personal belongings in a safe place or put them in a locker. The center does not have the responsibility of keeping and searching
  10. 嚴禁吸菸、嚼口香糖及檳榔、飲酒、飲食,除飲用水外,所有飲品不得攜入。寵物亦不得帶入(法令規定除外)。
    No smoking, betel nut and chewing gum, alcohol, eating. No drink is allowed to take in except water. Pets are also not allowed (except for legal regulations).
  11. 為不影響水質及衛生,游泳池內禁止穿鞋/拖鞋,泳客須著貼身泳衣、泳褲、泳帽、泳鏡入池(禁止穿著海灘褲、有鈕扣及拉鍊之衣物進入)。
    To maintain the quality of water and hygiene, please do not wear shoes/slippers. Do wear body tight swimwear, swimming shorts, swim caps, and swim goggles to enter the pool (inappropriate swim wear, including beach trunks, and clothing with buttons, pocket and zippers are not allowed).
  12. 下水前請先淋浴,請勿塗抹保養品、化妝品等油性物品。
    Please shower before swimming, do not apply skin care products, cosmetics and other oil item.
  13. 嚴禁非中心所屬教練進行私人教學,如有出現私人教學指導行為者,經勸導後,仍執意教學,本中心將錄影拍照蒐證並將教學者請出場外,以維護客人安全及本中心教學品質。
    It is strictly forbidden for non-center coaches to conduct private teaching. If there are private teaching and guidance behaviors, after persuasion, they still insist on teaching. The center will record and take photos for evidence and ask they to leave the venue to protect the safety of guests and the center teaching quality.
  14. 未經中心許可,禁止照相、攝影、錄音、張貼或懸掛海報、旗幟、標語等。
    Photography, videography, poster hanging, flag hanging, labeling and other such behaviors are not allowed unless approved by the center.
  15. 泳池各場地使用時,應遵守各場地專屬安全規定,本中心救生員得隨時制止使用者有安全顧慮之行為,如不聽從制止,本中心有權強制使用者離開泳池全部或局部場地。
    All the rules should be followed as indicated specifically for each area of the pool. Lifeguards reserve the right to prohibit users action that threaten their safety, and to expel users from the pool area should the users not cooperate.
  16. 本須知如有未盡事宜,得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或服務人員說明為準。若未能配合管理者,現場工作人員將有權令其離場(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。為維護其他使用者的安全,屢勸不聽者,本中心有權禁止其購票使用。
    The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules.

